


  1. 1

    In a bowl, combine panko, egg, minced chicken breast for binding, chicken thigh for texture, onion, chicken powder, black pepper, and salt. Mix well. Divide into 4 portions, oil your hands, and shape into patties. Pat them firmly to remove air pockets and place on a tray.

  2. 2

    Season vegetables with oil, salt, and garlic powder. Glaze patties with dark soy sauce, spray with oil, and bake them along with the vegetables. Use the Sharp Healsio oven’s auto sensor bake mode, or preheat to 250°C and bake for 12-15 minutes.

  3. 3

    While baking, prepare the sauce by mixing tomato sauce, sweet sauce, light soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Black pepper, water and cornstarch. Then cook until thickened.

  4. 4

    Plate the patties, pour the sauce over, and serve with roasted pumpkin and potatoes. Garnish with grated radish, spring onions then serve!