- 1
Bring a pot with (6 cups) water to a full boil, add in the pork rib tips, let it boil for approximately 5 minutes
- 2
Remove pot from heat, discard the water, rinse pork then set aside
- 3
In a soup pot on medium high heat, add in neutral oil, sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant
- 4
Add in the parboiled pork rib tips, water (10 cups)
- 5
Bring to a simmer, cover with lid, reduced heat to low
- 6
Let simmer for 30-40 minutes or until the pork is tender
- 7
Remove lid, add chicken bouillon seasoning, salt, sugar Increase the heat to medium high
- 8
Add tofu, tomatoes, and chives
- 9
Season with Fish sauce to taste