

The ultimate comfort food!

Yield4 servings



  1. 1

    Add oil to the pan and set to medium low. Sauté your onions for 5-10 minutes. Season with some salt to draw out the liquid.

  2. 2

    Add herbs and cook for a few minutes before adding your celery. Cook for another 5-10 minutes before adding the mushrooms.

  3. 3

    Give it a taste and adjust as you like.

  4. 4

    Remove from heat and put your bread in a large bowl. Add your sautéed mix and give it a good stir.

  5. 5

    If you are adding dried fruit or cooked sausage or bits — fold those in now.

  6. 6

    Mix in egg and butter and your stuffing is ready. You could add a good glug of oil if you don’t want to use butter.

  7. 7

    Gently add your stuffing to the cavity of the chicken or turkey— don’t cram it even though you want to!

  8. 8

    Out any excess in a heat proof dish and cover with lid or foil (shiny side in). This is now dressing! That will bake in the oven at 350/400 degrees for about 20 minutes).