
Caramelised Onion Cheeseburger


I think it’s quite clear we love burgers in this house

Cook time10 minutes



  1. 1

    Squash the burger patty down, I usually use a plate and some greaseproof paper so it doesn’t stick

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    Pop burger into frying pan with some fry light for 10 mins, flipping and adding the cheese slice on top half way through

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    At the same time you put the burger on, add chopped onions to a small pan, honey, dark soy and a few teaspoons of water and mix well

  4. 4

    Keep stirring the onions on a high heat so the sauce thickens and the onions go all sticky

  5. 5

    Once the burger and onions are cooked (about 10 mins) add to the brioche bun and enjoy