Sauce Lyonnaise
This is my version of this classic French sauce which is particularly tasty served with pork medallions, grilled sausages or chicken. A glass of Mâcon-Villages would be a great pairing with this very versatile sauce.
Yield2 servings
- 1
Melt butter in a pan over medium heat, add onions and cook until golden, approx 8-10 minutes.
- 2
Add white wine and vinegar, bring to the boil and then simmer until the mixture has reduced by half.
- 3
Add demi glace, bring to the boil and reduce by half again. Season.
- 4
Add cream and simmer for another 5/6 minutes, or until you have the desired sauce consistency.
- 5
Pass the sauce through a sieve and check for seasoning. Stir in chopped parsley.