- 1
Preheat oven to 200°C (390°F). Line a large oven tray with greaseproof paper. Place the chicken carcasses (bones), chicken feet and wings onto the tray and roast for 1 hour until the bones are golden brown. Deglaze the tray with some water once you remove the chicken.
- 2
Prep the vegetables (excluding the mushroom & herbs) by chopping them into large chunks. You can keep the skin on the veg as this adds flavour & colour to the stock. Sauté the veg in a large stock pot, with a splash of oil for 2 -3 minutes. Add a tablespoon of tomato puree to the pot and stir.
- 3
Then place the roasted chicken bones into the pot. Pour in the cold water, cover with a lid and bring the stock to a boil. Once the the stock is beginning to boil turn the heat down low, to a gentle simmer.
- 4
Skim off any impurities and fat that has risen to the surface of the stock. Now add in the bay leaves, thyme, rosemary and mushrooms. Stir and simmer for 4 hours with the pot lid off. Skim the fat and impurities frequently throughout the cooking process.
- 5
Remove the large pieces of vegetables and bones/wings/feet from the stock and then pass through a fine mesh sieve/strainer. Once the stock has cooled decant into air tight glass jars or freezer safe plastic containers.
- 6
You may need to skim off some chicken fat that will rise to the surface whilst the stock is cooling.