

Made for Rosh Hashanah! Follow @healthygirlkitchen for more easy recipes!

Yield6 pastries
Cook time20 minutes



  1. 1

    Preheat oven to 350 F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. 2

    Mix apple slices in bowl with cinnamon, coconut sugar and salt. Mix well.

  3. 3

    Layer 5 slices of apple then lay on baking sheet and top each cluster with a puffy pastry rectangle as shown in the video.

  4. 4

    Bake for 15 - 20 minutes until the puff pastry is golden brown and puffed up!

  5. 5

    Drizzle with agave or honey and sprinkle on extra cinnamon. Enjoy!!


Shana Tova to my Jewish besties who observe the holiday! Sending love and hugs from my kitchen to yours. Praying for peace Rosh Hashanah was my favorite Jewish holiday growing up. My mom always cooked and I loved the food, spending time with my cousins and being surrounded by rich customs and family.