



  1. 1

    In a wok full of water, add 1 tbsp of khara masala and bring it to a boil. Add 1 kh of rice and cook until done. Strain and set aside.

  2. 2

    Fry veggies on high flame. If using peas, make sure they are boiled. Add chilli sauce, soy sauce, and black pepper to taste.

  3. 3

    Fry ginger garlic and chilli paste (1 tbsp). Add 500g of chicken and cook until it changes color. Then add spices as per taste (black pepper, salt, chilli flakes, garam masala, and soy sauce).

  4. 4

    Add yellow food color to 3-4 eggs, beat them well, and fry. Set aside.

  5. 5

    Layer this like biryani: a layer of rice, then veggies, chicken, rice again, egg, and spring onions. Add chilli sauce, soy sauce, oil, and some garam masala.

  6. 6

    Put on dam for 20 minutes and it's good to go!