

Anybody else have a sharp turn in attitude towards olives over their lifetime? Olive lovers unite!

Yield4 servings



  1. 1

    Add the pasta to well-salted boiling water & cook until al dente (it’ll carry on cooking slightly in the pan). Don’t drain.

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    Add the pine nuts to a large pan over medium heat & shake frequently until they begin to lightly brown (careful - they burn quickly!). Remove from the pan.

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    Add oil & butter then fry the olives for 2-3mins until they begin to soften/blister slightly. Add garlic, chilli flakes, pepper & lemon zest & fry for another min (careful the garlic doesn’t burn).

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    Turn heat to low & use tongs to transfer the pasta straight from the pot into the pan. Squeeze over lemon juice then pour in ~1/2 cup of the pasta water. Toss well to emulsify the liquids (it’ll turn a little cloudy). Toss in parmesan until it melts then toss in the basil & parsley. If at any point the pasta dries up just toss in more pasta water as needed to loosen it up. The end result shouldn’t be watery at all, more of a light glossy sauce that clings to the pasta.

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    Check seasoning & adjust if needed with S&P. You can also add more chilli flakes & lemon juice if you’d like. Serve with parmesan, basil & pine nuts!


*I use salted butter & find the salt levels fine. Olives are already quite salty, so if you’re wary use unsalted butter. In all cases though make sure you make sure the pasta/sauce is properly seasoned to bring out the best in this simple dish.