
Homemade Celery Juice


I love how I feel while making this, drinking this, and after drinking this. I am sharing in hopes that it helps one of you struggling with similar symptoms in your body.

Yield4 large glasses



  1. 1

    Add all chopped ingredients along with water to a high speed blender. Blend on high for about 30 seconds.

  2. 2

    Pour all of it into a nut milk bag over a large mixing bowl. Slowly squeeze out all of the liquid until you are left with only a green pulp in the bag.

  3. 3

    Repeat until you have no celery left. This should yield about 4 batches. Pour into glass jars and store in the fridge for up to a week!


Add more or less water depending on how light you want the flavor to be. Add more lemon if you want more sour taste. Taste and adjust!