
Steak & Eggs with Chimichurri on a Crusty Baguette


All about the Sandwich, 6 of 50.

Yield2 servings


Crusty baguette


  1. 1

    Make the chimichurri by shredding the parsley, oregano and chilli. Grate in the garlic adding salt and pepper before the boiling water mix that round then let it stand for 10 mins. Add the vinegar and oil stirring well, leave this for a while before serving it will improve the flavour.

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    Season your steak well with salt and in a hot pan render fat side down first then build up a crust on both sides. Turn the heat down adding the garlic, thyme and butter. Baste well on both sides and remove from the pan to rest.

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    Toast your baguette in the steak butter

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    Fry your eggs in the steak butter too keeping the heat medium to low so to not burn the butter

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    Build the sandwich with toasted baguette then steak, chimi, eggs, more chimi, rocket, grated Parmesan and then the lid

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    Smash the lot and be happy