

All about figs: fresh figs, figs panna cotta, fig leaves powder, fig leaves oil, fig leaves tuile.



  1. 1

    Cut the dry fig leaves and be sure you don’t use the central part, but just the outer parts of the leaves that are 100% edible.

  2. 2

    Put the fresh cream and the milk into a saucepan together with the cut leaves. Bring it to 80C degrees, then turn off the heat, cover it with a foil and let it cool down for at least a couple hours.

  3. 3

    Take the leaves out of the mix and add the fresh figs cut into pieces. Bring it to a boil, turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.

  4. 4

    In the meantime, put the gelatin sheets into a bowl with cold water for at least 10 minutes.

  5. 5

    Once the figs are done cooking, blend everything until smooth, pass it through a fine sieve and add the gelatin sheets when still hot.

  6. 6

    Transfer it into your favorite mold, keep it in your freezer and unmold it at least 20 minutes before serving.