
Aunty Sheila's Famous Mac & Cheese


In loving memory of Aunty Sheila. The lady who taught me everything in the kitchen and beyond



  1. 1

    Cook your macaroni according to the box. Once done, drain then rinse the macaroni under cold water to prevent clumping.

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    Melt the butter and as soon as it is melted, add the flour. You “mustn’t brown or burn the butter”, aunty sheila says.

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    Then you add the flour, add it quickly and “beat it up quickly until there are no lumps”.

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    Start adding your milk in small amounts at a time, giving it a “good whisk” each time.

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    Add the grated cheese and mix until melted. Add in the cooked macaroni noodles. Season with black pepper if you wish.

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    That’s it… then the only thing that can go wrong is you don’t have enough


Pro tip: Aunty Sheila always recommended serving her mac and cheese with a warm, fresh slice of buttered toast.