
Ninja Creami Frozen Hot Chocolate Creamiccino


You guys voted, and thousands of you wanted this frozen hot chocolate creamiccino recipe! All you need is two ingredients, and a few minutes to have a delicious frozen hot chocolate drink!

Yield4 servings



  1. 1

    Mix together in a Creami deluxe pint and freeze 12-24 hours.

  2. 2

    Add 1/4 cup milk to the top of your pint and spin on the creamicinno setting on your ninja Creami deluxe.

  3. 3

    Add in to serving glasses.


This is my first time using the Creami deluxe and I love it! You can make this in the original by spinning the hot chocolate base, and then adding milk and using the milkshake setting. It will take more spins, but you’ll get a similar product.