

Yield2 servings



  1. 1

    slice your 2 chicken breasts into 4 thinner pieces. cook in a skillet with oil, or poach them, shredding once cooked. set aside as you’ll add this into the sauce at the very end.

  2. 2

    add olive oil, diced onion, garlic, and ginger into a medium skillet over medium heat. let cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring a few times during that.

  3. 3

    add tomato paste, spices, and salt. mix well so onions are coated evenly. reduce heat to low.

  4. 4

    make the cashew cream, or sub using coconut milk, and add that into the skillet. stir very slowly until it’s a nice orange/red creamy color throughout and fully combined. add in kale (optional) and chickpeas. keep this on low heat for it to thicken a little while you do step 5.

  5. 5

    make your brown rice! TJ’s package only takes 10-12 minutes.

  6. 6

    add & stir in your shredded chicken to the sauce skillet, just allowing it to be in there for a couple minutes on low heat so it gets warm throughout. done! serve with the rice and enjoy!