Stone Bass / Meagre
One of my favourite dishes: the traditional French fish soup „Matelote“ according to Escoffier!
Yield3 servings
- 1
Fillet the fish and clean the scallops and langoustines as shown in this reel. Keep all the bones, shells and trimmings.
- 2
Sweat down the mushrooms until all liquid has evaporated. Braise the onions under a cartouche and glaze with honey. Reserve.
- 3
Matelote: sweat the vegetable mirepoix, add bones and trimmings, deglaze with cognac and add the wine, peppercorns and bouquet garni. Simmer very gently for 20-25 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve.
- 4
Poach the fish and seafood individually. Cooking times will vary depending on sizes. Bind the soup with the beurre manié, add the mushrooms, onions, fish and seafood. Sprinkle with chives and enjoy!