Really Good Zucchini Salad
This is easily one of the best things I’ve eaten this summer, so make it while zucchini season is still here (please don’t make it in winter when zucchini tastes like cardboard)
Chili Oil
Zucchini Salad
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Add both ingredients to your smallest saucepan. Place the pan on your smallest burner and turn to the lowest heat. Gently bring to a simmer—you want tiny, slow, barely there bubbles. Simmer for 3 minutes, or until nutty, fragrant and a bit darker.
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Immediately transfer to a clean jar. You’ll use some of it in the salad below; store leftovers in the fridge for 1-2 weeks. For food safety, always use a clean spoon when digging into the chili oil.
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Instructions for the salad follow in the comments!
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Note: The original instructions are not provided in the text, so this field is left empty.