


  1. 1

    Clean anchovies, remove & discard head & black sac. Rinse several times to remove sand & dirt.

  2. 2

    In a pot, fill 1 litre of hot water from @myskmagic_ hot water hyper dispenser. This helps speed up the cooking process, saving time in the kitchen! Then add anchovies in. Let simmer for 30 mins to make anchovy stock

  3. 3

    Meanwhile as the stock is cooking, prepare spinach. Separate the leaves from the stems. One inch from the bottom, break stem. Peel the skin & discard. They’re tough & inedible. Prepare & cut stems in 1.5 inches lengths. Rinse leaves & let soak to rehydrate, set aside

  4. 4

    Rinse goji berries set aside

  5. 5

    Prepare century egg - remove husk using a knife. Rinse with water. Break shell & discard. Cut egg into smaller pieces, set aside

  6. 6

    Prepare salted egg - remove black sand using a knife. Rinse with water. Boil egg for 15 mins. Then break & peel eggs. Cut egg into smaller pieces, set aside

  7. 7

    After 30 mins, discard anchovies. Transfer spinach into stock, and let cook till soft. Add goji berries, century egg & salted egg. If you like the flavours to be more pronounced, mash some of the egg yolks in the soup

  8. 8

    Do a taste test, add seasoning as required - salt & fish sauce

  9. 9

    Enjoy & serve hot!