- 1
Clean anchovies, remove & discard head & black sac. Rinse several times to remove sand & dirt.
- 2
In a pot, fill 1 litre of hot water from @myskmagic_ hot water hyper dispenser. This helps speed up the cooking process, saving time in the kitchen! Then add anchovies in. Let simmer for 30 mins to make anchovy stock
- 3
Meanwhile as the stock is cooking, prepare spinach. Separate the leaves from the stems. One inch from the bottom, break stem. Peel the skin & discard. They’re tough & inedible. Prepare & cut stems in 1.5 inches lengths. Rinse leaves & let soak to rehydrate, set aside
- 4
Rinse goji berries set aside
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Prepare century egg - remove husk using a knife. Rinse with water. Break shell & discard. Cut egg into smaller pieces, set aside
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Prepare salted egg - remove black sand using a knife. Rinse with water. Boil egg for 15 mins. Then break & peel eggs. Cut egg into smaller pieces, set aside
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After 30 mins, discard anchovies. Transfer spinach into stock, and let cook till soft. Add goji berries, century egg & salted egg. If you like the flavours to be more pronounced, mash some of the egg yolks in the soup
- 8
Do a taste test, add seasoning as required - salt & fish sauce
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Enjoy & serve hot!