

These soft, no stand mixer required, homemade pretzel buns have that traditional pretzel taste and are great for sandwiches and burgers or eat them plain!

Yield8 servings
Cook time15 minutes


Lye bath



  1. 1

    Combine all dough ingredients except for butter. Knead until no dry spots remain. Then incorporate the butter and knead until smooth

  2. 2

    Shape the dough into a ball, place into a bowl, cover and let it proof for 1-2hrs or until doubled in size

  3. 3

    Divide the dough into 8 equal sections and shape them into balls. Gently flatten either using your hand or a rolling in

  4. 4

    Place the buns onto individual sheets of parchment paper (this makes transferring easier), cover and proof for 30-45mins or until they are noticeably puffy

  5. 5

    Preheat the oven to 425F. Meanwhile in a well ventilated area, whisk the water and lye together in a large metal or plastic container until the solution turns clear. Using gloves, submerge each bun into the lye bath for a couple seconds, then transfer the pretzel onto a lined baking sheet

  6. 6

    Score the tops of each pretzel and top with coarse pretzel salt

  7. 7

    Bake for 15-20mins or until the pretzels are a deep golden brown color


Recipe makes 8 buns (make less for bigger buns, make more for smaller)